Author: Peter Ribeaux
Pete’s Blog – 15th January 2019 – Faulty or Unreliable Sensory Appreciation?
At the Freiburg International Congress of the Alexander Technque in 1999 I had my first meeting with Kevan Martin who calls himself an Alexander Groupy. Actually, he’s a very shrewd and active participant in the Alexander scene. A quick internet check reveals him to be
Pete’s Blog -15th January 2019 – Faulty or Unreliable Sensory Appreciation?
It was at the International Congress of the Alexander Technique in Freiburg, Germany that I rather abruptly stopped using the term “faulty sensory appreciation”. I had walked out of a rather tedious workshop and found myself sitting on a bench outside with Kevan Martin who describes himself as an Alexander Groupy. I was soon to…
Pete’s Blog – 30th December 2018 – Doing and Non-doing
Oh dear! It’s been over a year……. Here goes with another of my musings on the subject of how one should teach the Alexander Technique. It’s on the general theme of doing and non-doing. Firstly, let me say that I’m defining the undesirable thing that one needs to not do as any distortion of good…
Pete’s Blog – 5th December 2017- Alexander and the Internet
I suppose the time has come to comment on the use of the internet for teaching and propagating the Alexander Technique. There are many versions of this, videos, Skype sessions, online courses. Let me say one thing. Good teaching is good teaching whether you agree with the content or not. Thus, finding the right words…